We went to the zoo last Tuesday, so I thought that it was ironic yesterday when I read about the zoo sending Mosi, the first gorilla born in the Little Rock, to Chicago. He is five, and he has been getting on his pregnant mother's nerves. I can empathize with that momma!
This four-year-old has been wearing me out! I love her more than words can say. I adore her.
She is busy. She is needy. She whines. She cries at the drop of a dime to try to get her way. She likes to listen to the Chipmunks. She is overly dramatic.
She makes messes. Big ones, and she whines when I tell her to clean it up for the fifth time.
She makes me laugh. She makes me smile. She brings me joy. She makes me frustrated.
She wears high heels when she exercises. Ain't it beautiful?