Sunday, March 2, 2008

Can't you smell that smell?

Since Presley turned four months old on Friday, we went to see Dr. Blair for her well baby visit! Turns out she was not a well baby after all! She had an ear infection, and it was my fault- why? Well, it sounds weird, but one day when I was holding Presley I thought that her ear smelled funny. Not bad, just a different smell. I told Nick to smell her ear, and he, of course, said "NO"! After I talked him into it, he told me that I was crazy and her ear didn't stink. Well, now I know that I should never listen to Nick when he tells me I am crazy. Her ear was stinky because it had puss in it, and the other one had mucus in it! I felt so bad, but the doctor said not to worry because how would I know if she was not fussing or running a temp. I would know because she had a stinky ear! Presley thought that she would get out of her shots thanks to the ear infection, but that was not the case. In fact, Dr. Blair told us that it could be better to get her shots now since her immune system was already revved up fighting that ear infection. Presley weighs 13 pounds and 12 ounces and is 2 foot 1!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

AW! Well, I hope she's feeling better! And, that her ears smell better! HA! :)